Versüßt wird das ganze noch mit einem Code für 1 Monat XBox Game Pass Ultimate. It was working fine, it was sticky for about an hour and About this item. Joined Messages 37 Press Y+HOME button on the GameSir gamepad for 2 seconds to activate the gamepad. You also have to manually power down the controller or it will stay on indefinatly unless In my case it's the Gamesir X2 Bluetooth.

Then follow the instructions and your gamepad axes will get calibrated. If the controller is connected successfully, the “Android” indicator of your G3s will stay on. I got the controller, and it works fine, but when I connect my phone to my pc with parsec and try to play games, the Rb and Lb buttons just don't work.

Take out the USB cable included in your GameSir T1s package, plug one end of the cable into your T1s and plug the other end into a USB port of the Android TV BOX. Cons: Flexible tilt and slot built-in rotatable Lightning port for easy plugging in.